Becoming a Massage Therapist in NY State

How to Become a Massage Therapist in New York State

Becoming a Massage Therapist in NY State
In New York State, not just anyone can walk in and become a licensed massage therapist. There are steps you must take including tests both on your moral character and your skills. Your skills tests are a result of your classroom and hands-on training, which are required to test for the state license exam. Once you are licensed, you will be able to work either on your own, in a salon, or a full massage parlor or establishment.

The need for licensed massage therapists in New York State is always high; this type of position is always in high demand, so you can be sure that once your testing and training are complete, there will be no shortage of employment opportunities.

Before You Begin

Before you start any training program for massage therapy, you will have to prove that you are worthy of the position. Since this is a position where the majority of patients who come in are typically vulnerable, the state needs to be sure that you are a person with a high moral compass. This simply means that you will need to pass a background check before you can start the required courses. The background check will show if you have ever been convicted of a felony or accused of charges like abuse, family member assault or fraud. This step reduces the risk of allegations; it is there to protect you as well as your patients.


Before you can apply for the state massage therapist examination; you must first go through 1,000 hours of in-depth training that includes courses in anatomy, physiology, myology or kinesiology, depending on what you are planning on for your future specialty.

You must also go through training that focuses on the chemistry of the products you will use on your patients, which will show you when to use what product, how to use it, and what kind of reactions to watch out for. During this final 1,000 hours of training, you will also be required to have 150 hours of that time dedicated to hands-on training. During your program, you will also become certified in CPR, a certification that must be renewed every three years.

The training cannot be done at just any school; it must be completed at a school that is registered and accredited with the state of New York. It should also provide a healthy balance between Western and Eastern techniques and procedures.


Once your training is complete, you will need to apply to take the state exam. It is only after this exam that you will be able to practice as a fully licensed masseur. The exam is offered twice per year, once in January and once in August. To be considered for the January test, your application needs to be received in November, for the August testing it should be received in June. In future years, you will need to apply for your license renewal at the same time of year.

The typical cost of the examination is $108, which includes the examination and your first-year license. The examination itself is a two-part test that will prove you are more than capable of anything your new career might throw at you. There are four parts to the exam and 140 questions. Twenty of these questions are part of Eastern medicine, and 6% is based on ethics and business practices.

The written and physical, or skills, parts of the exam are similar in that they both go through each step of the massage process, but on one, you will show what you know on paper, and on the other, you will have to prove it. You will also be tested on your knowledge of how to come up with treatment plans for all patients including those who suffer from various injuries and conditions. Another piece of the testing will be based on differing techniques like the use of oils, heat, and cold.

What Happens if You Finish Training In Between Testing Dates

Let's say you complete your training in November, but you miss the date to apply for your testing in November. This means that you will have to wait until August to take the exam and become fully licensed. For $35, you can apply for a limited permit. When you have a limited permit, you are legally able to work as a massage therapist but only under the direct supervision of a licensed massage therapist. This helps bridge the gap, so you do not lose your new skills while you earn a living doing what you love.

Becoming a licensed massage therapist in New York State is not an easy process, but the toughness of the program makes you appreciate what you have, and it will make your patients appreciate you. In the end, the hard work you put into it will pay off when you help people feel their best!

Eugene Wood is a Licensed Massage Therapist located in Nassau County NY. Learn more about advanced massage therapy by visiting his website.

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