
Showing posts from May, 2018

Foods that Reduce and Prevent Inflammation

This article is based on the latest nutritional research. I am not a nutritionist. I suggest you use this information in order to have a conversation with your doctor if you are suffering from inflammation and think dietary changes may be beneficial. Inflammation impacts both our health and the quality of our life. It triggers several chronic diseases, and it has become a burden that affects health care all over the world. Anti-inflammatory diets and medications exist, but most people do not understand what inflammation is. What is Inflammation? When something is inflamed, it feels warm and is swollen, sore, red, and painful. In this situation, inflammation is uncomfortable and obvious. However, it is a part of the natural defense mechanism of the body where the immune system wards off and fights infection and sometimes to repair tissue damage. The immune system activates and is in fight mode when the body identifies something foreign, including a chemical, pollen, or an atta...