How CranioSacral Therapy Can Treat Inflammation
Many people suffer from severe neck pain or have constant headaches or muscle tension that leads to head and neck problems. There are others who wish they were able to get the swelling down around an injury so that they can move better. CranioSacral therapy may be the natural treatment needed to find relief without invasive procedures. CranioSacral therapy was developed by an Osteopath, Dr. John Upledger. This therapy uses a light touch to gauge tension and find restrictions in the tissue. The therapists then uses CST to release those restrictions. CranioSacral therapists undergo extensive training to teach them how to listen to the body in order to find and release the restrictions which may come chronic pain or a regular injury response. What is CranioSacral Therapy? A therapist that learns how to move slowly and gently appreciates the responses from the body and understands the anatomy of the structures being treated. They use extensive knowledge about pain and bodily ...