
Showing posts from May, 2013

Tips for Improving Egronomics

Many forms of chronic pain stem from the simple things we do in life: how we sit at work; the way we walk; how we carry our shoulder bags. The posture we assume throughout the working day is referred to as ergonomics. This includes everything from the way we sit at our desk to heaving lifting in the warehouse. These daily patterns can lead to both acute and chronic pain. But the good news is that we can easily remedy this pain by improving posture and ergonomics. Poor ergonomics can affect multiple areas of the body: the neck and shoulders; upper and lower back; various joints; and even the wrists and hands.  Most of these pains are related to muscle and tendon problems. Sometimes the nerves can become involved, such as with carpal tunnel syndrome, which results when the median nerve in the arm and hand becomes compressed at the wrist. Carpal tunnel is often due to office stress such as long hours of typing at the computer. Other common office problems include low back pain ...

Lymphatic Drainage Symptoms and Solutions

Lymphatic drainage may not sound appealing, but it can yield remarkable results in the relief of chronic and inflammatory conditions.  Put simply, lymphatic drainage is a gentle technique that removes toxins from the immune system. It also helps to replenish the body's healthy cells, healing existing ailments or injuries. The lymphatic system was first identified in the 17th century. Research from several European scientists - Italy's Gasparo Asselli, France's John Pecquet, and Sweden's Olauf Rudbeck - established that the body is made up of a complex network of vessels that carry transparent fluid, or "lymph," to the heart.  This is the basis of the lymphatic system recognized today More than a century later, the Belgian surgeon Alexander de Winiwarter (1848-1910) introduced the technique of draining lymphatic swellings manually. This was primarily used for lymphedema, a condition in which the lymphatic system is obstructed due to the retention of fluid....