What is Adrenal Fatigue?
Woman with Adrenal Fatigue There's nothing worse than feeling lethargic and run down, especially when you just can't shake it. Of course, everyone feels fatigued at some time or another, but if the feeling seems to exist for no apparent reason and lasts for days, weeks or months, you could be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue. Dr. James L. Wilson first used the term Adrenal Fatigue in 1998 to describe a specific type of chronic exhaustion characterized by severe and constant stress. This stress can be mental, emotional or physical. After years of working with "stressed and tired" patients, Wilson realized that his patients' adrenal glands (endocrine glands that sit on top of the kidneys and release hormones in response to stress) were functioning below the necessary level. As a result, his patients were feeling a general sense of lethargy, tiredness and poor health. Adrenal Fatigue is also known as hypoadrenalism or neurasthenia. Addison's disease is a somew...